Monday, 2 September 2013

Brew, Northcote Rd

Blueberry pancakes, caramelised banana, creme fraiche and maple syrup, the breakfast of Queens... Or people like me with a very dominant sweet tooth who have no concept of sweet things only being for dessert. I could've done with the creme fraiche being on the side rather than on top, but other then that 'twas lush!! Caramelised is one of the only ways i'll eat a banana, the other is in a banoffee pie... ;-) 

Brew is small, intimate, friendly and local. Will definitely be returning as I was too full to have a smoothie or milkshake and the avocado on toasted pide has me salivating in anticipation.

PR Xxx

1 comment:

  1. your blog should come with a warning....'don't read if your hungry'
    I NEED those pancakes.



Have you been? Would you go?